Mama the Cry baby!

Today sucked!!! I woke up early this morning and was able to spend some time with my son. Which was great. But then I had to leave to go to work. I love my job but I did not want to be there I wanted to be with my son. I cried all the way to work like a big baby. Didn’t even know I had that in me. He was home with my sister and her kids but they were leaving to go swimming and he couldn’t go because of his broken arm. My heart was broke for the poor guy. I just love him so dang much. I know I have to work to support him but I do not like to be away from him so much. He is my baby and he needs me as much as I need him. That is the reason I want my It Works business to work. I know it has the potential to be a great business but it is hard to work it with a full-time job and being a mom. But I will not stop I can’t give up. This has to work for my son. Just like my diet I will not give up. God Bless and goodnight.

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