The Juggle

It is hard being a single mom with a full-time job and a side job and still working on me but it sure is worth it.

My son and I woke up this morning talking about what it’s going to be like when we get our own house. He is excited about it. He told me to go to work to get a car and house. The reason I do is him.


This past week has been crazy busy with my new job and my son having a broke arm and still trying to make time for my It Works business. Now my side job but truly hope one day will be my main job. Although I do love my job and feel very blessed to have it.

My weight loss is slow but still moving. I missed weigh in this week because I just plain forgot but I did weight in this morning and I weight 255 so only like a 1.8 pounds lost since starting the 90 day challenge. I’m sure it has to do with the job getting into a routine is hard. But I will not give up I will succeed in this. I have girls and I want them to be fulfilled. I will fulfil them.


Join me on my 90 day Challenge

or Join my team 7/30 or 7/31 and receive a free box of wraps.

God Bless

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