You Know That Day?!?

You know that day when you feel like your so pretty Then you catch a full body glance at yourself. I had one of those days the other day. I don’t really have much to say about that day except I just felt really pretty and then I had my picture taken of me and I was like oh lol I felt a lot better than I looked. IMAG1921

that’s the picture she took lol you can decide.

Anyways I know it has been 2 weeks since I have weighed in but don’t worry I have not given up I just didn’t have the scales I use near me. I was able to weigh in today putting me at 2 weeks of my diet.

Starting weight    lbs lost     weight now

274.4                       8.8                   265.2

I’m ok with those numbers I was half expecting more but it’s ok. I have a new goal set and with those numbers I’m right on track. I am wanting to lose at least 4 pounds a week an hopes to weigh 230 by my 31 birthday in August. It may sound like a strange goal but that’s my short-term goal.

My son and I got invited to Disney World this past week by my best friend and we are so excited. Those kind of things don’t happen to me very often, this is a once in a lifetime kinda thing. So I do have an even shorter goal set for that reason. I don’t really have a number set I just hope to still be on track.

Also this past week I have joined a very awesome company called IT WORKS!!


To be honest I dont have a job and no money coming in but I know these products from IT WORKS really work I have seen it first hand. So anyways I joined the company so I could make money for the products myself. I’m hoping to reward myself with a box of wraps on my Birthday. And the money that I make is a bonus 🙂 I love IT WORKS and if you are interested feel free to ask or go to my website @

Have a great week everyone


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