New Beginning

Ok I got my number. I don’t like this number it’s very bad but it’s ok. I feel a lot better about this today. Yesterday I woke up and weighed in at 274.4 The most I have ever weighed in my life. Makes me feel crazy pathetic but also strong and powerful to know how much I want the number to be going down and not up.

To tell you a little about the diet I’m doing its a calorie counter diet. I’m using the app MyFitnessPal to help track things.  Also cutting out on sweets and soda. Oh and fried food. The only real hard part about those 3 things is the soda. I’m also going to be exercising everyday by swimming, walking and/or riding my bike.

I ask myself all the time why can I not do this. Well this time I’m not asking that. I’m doing This.


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